Gram Chetna Kendra, Rajasthan

  • Educational Tour of Child Club Members to Pushkar
  • Project Area at Sambhar Lake
  • Block Level rally on Child Rights
  • Career Guidance Camp for Youths
  • Victorious Child Federation (Bal Sansad) Members with GCK Staff
What We Do Information
Reproductive Child Health
Early Childhood Care & Development
Drinking Water & Sanitation
Women Empowerment
PRI & CBO Strengthening
Child Protection
Child Participation
Income Generation Activities
SHG (Self Help Group)
Working with Disabled Children
Give India Programme
Internship Programs
Emergency Support
Gram Chetna Kendra
Post –Khedi Milak, Via-Renewal
Distt - Jaipur (Rajasthan) - 303603
(O)-01424-282234, 282256
Mob: 09829017134
Home  |  What We Do   |  PRI & CBO Strengthening

PRI,s & CBO Strengthening

For the promotion of peoples participation in every village of the project area GCK have formed Village Development Committees. The V.D.C have the powers to take the decision in development aspect of the village such as construction of toilets, selection of the needy people for financial assistance to organize village meeting and to decide about the future program as per their needs and to recommend the same to GCK. On a later stage GCK desires to transfer all the powers and other facilities to these C.B.O.’s so that they can run the programs independently, and GCK will work as a facilitator.

Following a successful initial partnership with UNICEF in 2008, we have again joined to work in the Tonk District. Overall, the purpose of the project is to strengthen PRIs to perform their roles and functions well and to make them active members of the decentralized planning process. In thisway, they gain the ability towork for towards their own development and the betterment of the lives of the local communities.

Major Initiatives

To identify and remove bottlenecks that limit the performance of roles and responsibilities of PRIs
To create linkages between PRIs, SHGs and the communities with maximum SC/ST population to identify priority issues and take up action to address them
To improve communication that they supervise
In order to achieve these objectives the project enlisted the services of GCK to facilitate the mobilization of local communities and PRIs, and organizing them into vibrant groups to take up community based planning, monitoring and implementation of flagship programs and holding Gram Panchayti meetings.

To improve the quality and coverage of service deliveries to children and women through effective functioning of Panchayats Strengthening Panchyat meeting
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